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FAQs about application for Renewal of Definitive Driving License

This service enables Rwandan citizens whose definitive driving license has expired to apply for renewal. The service is provided by the Rwanda National Police (RNP).
The following are the most frequently asked questions about the renewal of a definitive driving license

  1. How much do I pay for an application for a  renewal of a definitive driving license?

The service costs Rwf 5,000.

  1. Do I need an IremboGov account to submit my application for renewal of a definitive driving license?

You can apply for this service with or without an Irembo account. 

  1. How do I create an Irembo account?

To create an Irembo account, click here.

  1. What are the requirements to apply for a  renewal of a definitive driving license?

The applicant should have a national ID, a valid phone number, and an email address. The definitive driving license should have expired.

  1. How long should I wait until I get a renewal of a definitive driving license?

You will get your renewal of a Definitive driving license within 7 days; starting from the day you submitted and successfully paid for your application through Irembo.

  1.  I paid an application for a renewal of a definitive driving license but my payment is not found in the RNP system. What should I do?

You will contact the IremboGov support team at 9099 or for assistance.

  1.  What is the validity of a billing number when renewing a definitive driving license?

The billing number lasts for 30 days.

  1.  Can I download another payment receipt for a renewal of a definitive driving license if the one I had is lost/damaged?

Yes, you can download the payment receipts as many times as possible.

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