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FAQs about Registration for Supplementary Driving Test

This service allows applicants to apply for Registration for a supplementary practical driving test. The test aims to assess the person's ability to drive the specified vehicle of the additional category they are seeking. The service is provided by Rwanda National Police (RNP). 

The processing time of this service is 1 day and its price is Rwf 10,000. The billing number expires in 8 hours and the slot is released to other applicants when it is not paid for.

Note: This is a slot-based service whereby there is a limited number of slots available and the first to come is the first to be served. Upon payment for the test registration, the applicant shall be allocated a test slot based on the date of choice and test location.

NB: Passports and certificates of national ID replacements are not eligible identification documents to take the Supplementary Driving Tests. 

The following are the most frequently asked questions about the Supplementary Driving Test:

  1. How much do I pay for registration for a Supplementary Driving Test?

The service costs Rwf 10,000. 

  1. Do I need an IremboGov account to apply for Registration for a Supplementary Driving Test?

Applicants with or without an Irembo account can apply for this service.

  1. How do I create an Irembo account?

To create an Irembo account, click here.

  1. What are the requirements needed to apply for Registration for a Supplementary Driving Test?

The applicant should have a Rwandan national ID, a valid and physical Definitive Driving License, a valid phone number, an email address, or both. i.e Applicants with lost or expired definitive driving licenses are not eligible for this service.

  1. Can I Apply for Registration for the Supplementary Driving Test on USSD?

No, the Supplementary Driving Test can only be applied for via the Irembo website www.irembo.gov.rw.

  1. Why is registration open and closed quickly?

This is a slot-based service whereby there is a limited number of slots available and the first to come is the first to be served. Upon payment for the test registration, the applicant shall be allocated a test slot based on the date of choice and test location.

  1. When does the Registration for Supplementary Driving Test billing number expire?

The billing number expires in 8 hours.

  1. What happens next after paying for Registration for a Supplementary Driving Test?

You will receive a notification containing the registration code, test date, and the test center.

  1. I paid for Registration for a Supplementary Driving Test but I did not receive the registration code. What should I do?

You will contact support@irembo.com or call Irembo toll-free number 9099 for assistance.

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