This service facilitates the application process for individuals seeking access to classified files related to Gacaca cases. The service is provided by MINIBUMWE.
The processing time is 30 days, and the price depends on the case.
Applicants with or without an account can apply for this service.
Click here to find out how to create an account on IremboGov.
Applicants should have a Rwandan ID, refugee ID, foreign ID, or passport.
Applicants should have a valid phone number, email address, or both.
Required Attachments:
Application Letter
Conditional Attachments:
Agreement contract
Passport Copy
Optional Attachments:
Supporting Documents
Follow these simple steps to request a classified file from a Gacaca case.
Visit, and under "Justice," click on Request for a classified File for a Gacaca case.
Click “Apply”.
Enter the Applicant Details information section, including your applicant type (individual, lawyer, or court bailiff). Proceed to enter your respective identification details, the reason for the request, and contact information.
Add your address as well.
In the next section, you will fill in the information of the Parties involved in this case. Add the full name, father’s and mother’s name, date of birth, and the address of both the accuser and the defendant.
Add information about the judgment details including the date of judgment and location of judgment.
Upload the required attachments and/or any Supporting documents, then click "Next.”.
Verify that the provided information is accurate, enter your phone number and email address, check the verification box and click “Submit”.
An application number will provided so you can track the status of your application.
Upon submission, your application will be processed by the MINUBUMWE Officer. You will receive an email or SMS notifying you about any change in the status of your application.
Once your application has been approved, you will use your bill ID to pay for the service using any methods provided in the "Payment Options" section.
Upon payment, your documents will be available for download.