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How to Validate the Power of Attorney Documents

This service validates the power of attorney for documents related to legal or financial matters specifically requested by inmate families. It allows authorized individuals to act on behalf of the inmate families in legal and financial affairs. This service is provided by Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS).

The processing time is 3 days, and the service price is 500 Rwf.


  • Applicants should have an IremboGov account to apply for this service.

  • Click here to learn how to create an account.

  • Rwandans and foreigners are eligible to apply for this service.

Required attachments (4)

  • Proof of property ownership

  • Bank account statements

  • Birth certificate of the child

  • Court-approved custody agreements

Follow these simple steps to validate the Power of Attorney documents:

1. Visit  and click on Log In to start applying for this service. 

2. Navigate to the "Justice" category; click “validate the power of attorney documents.

3. Click “Apply” to start an application. 

4. Fill in the inmate details (select the citizen). 

5. Enter representative details as prompted.

6. Fill in the property, validation, and reason details, then click Next

7. Verify that the information is accurate, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click "Submit."

8A billing Number/ID (88…) will be generated for payment; click Pay

9. Applicants choose the mode of payment. For more information about payment modes, click here.

Once the Head of a facility receives and approves your application, you will receive your e-certificate via email or download on IremboGov platform.

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