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How to Apply for Change of Name

This service allows Rwandan citizens seeking for a legal procedure for the change of their names. Applicants undergo two steps via IremboGov to change their names; submission and confirmation of change of name request. This service is provided by the Ministry of Local Governance (MINALOC). 


Step I: Submission of Change of Name

This service allows Rwandan citizens to initiate the official name change request. After filling in the application, the applicant will receive a change of name certificate to change their name which they will use to publish in the official gazette and media (radio & newspapers).

The processing time is 7 days, and this service is free of charge. 


  • Applicants with or without an Irembo account can apply for this service. Click here to find out how to create an account on IremboGov or visit the nearest Irembo agent for assistance.

  • Adults should have a Rwandan national ID, whereas minors should have a child ID/Citizen Application number. 

  • Applicants should have one of these attachments: a baptism card issued at birth, result slip P6, S3, or S6 national exam, any national exam registration form with a photo on it, and a high school diploma.

  • Applicants should have a valid phone number, email address, or both. 

Follow these simple steps to apply for submission of a change of name: 

  1. Visit and under Identification, click on Change of Name.

  1. Select Submission of change of name request and who you are applying for, “Adult or Child” then click on Apply.

  1. Enter all the required Applicant Details. The reason for request should be among the list provided. 

NOTE: Write your names in the order you wish to see them on the new national ID. 

  1. Select which document you have from the drop down list; and attach it in the right format and size.

  2. Click Next to proceed. 

  1. Verify that the information is true, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click on Submit.

  1. An application number will be generated to follow up the application status.

NOTE: After submitting successfully the first application via IremboGov, it is sent to MINALOC for processing. Once it is approved, here are the next steps for the applicant: 

  1. Receives the change of name certificate from MINALOC via email or downloads it on the IremboGov platform.

  2. Publishes in the gazette the change of name submission, attaches the certificate and pays Rwf 7,000 for the application. Click here for more information. 

  3. Downloads the Gazette Publication Document on the IremboGov platform.

  4. The last step of submission of change of name is to announce the change of name certificate at two media houses (a radio and a newspaper), pay for the announcements, and collect the receipt/Media Publication Document from both media houses. Scan these documents into one media publication document. 

The applicant uses the both gazette and media publication documents to apply for step 2; confirmation of change of name. 

Step II: Confirmation of Change of Name 

This service allows Rwandan citizens to request the confirmation of their official change of names. The applicants will get a change request notice that they will use to be update in different registries.

The processing time is 7 days, and this service is Rwf 20,000. 


  • Applicants with or without an Irembo account can apply for this service. Click here to find out how to create an account on IremboGov or visit the nearest Irembo agent for assistance.

  • Applicants should have an application number generated while applying for the submission of change of name application.

  • The required attachments are gazette and media publication documents (a stamped radio reception certificate, and a stamped page of the newspaper). 

  • Applicants should have a valid phone number, email address, or both. 

Follow these simple steps to apply for confirmation of change of name: 

  1. Visit and under Identification, click on Change of Name.

  1. Select Confirmation of change of name request and click on Apply.

  1. Enter the application number and the details will automatically display on the right side of the page.

  2. Attach the required documents in the right format and size.

  3. Click Next to proceed. 

  1. Verify that the information is true, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click Submit

  2. A billing Number/ID (88…) will be generated for payment, Click Pay

  3. Applicants choose the mode of payment: offline (MTN, Airtel, or BK) or online (Visa or MasterCard). For more information about payment modes, click here

NOTE: After applying and paying successfully the second application via IremboGov, it is sent to MINALOC again for processing. Once it is approved, here are the next steps for the applicant: 

  1. Receives the change of name confirmation certificate from MINALOC via email or can download it on the IremboGov platform.

  2. Publishes in the gazette the change of name confirmation, attaches the certificate and pays for the application. Click here for more information. 

  3. Downloads the Gazette Publication Document on the IremboGov platform.

  4. The applicant applies for national ID correction so that the changes reflect on their ID. Click here for more information. 

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