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How to apply for Survey Visa Permit

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) issues visas to conduct surveys to anyone who intends to collect data in Rwanda.

The processing time is 60 days, and the service is free of charge.


  • Applicants with or without IremboGov accounts can apply for this service.

  • To create an account, click here.

  • Applicant should have a valid Rwandan national ID number. 

  • Applicant should have a valid phone number or email address.

Required attachments (2)

1. research proposal

Follow these simple steps to apply for a Survey Visa Permit.

Step 1: Visit the IremboGov platform at, Under the “Research and Statistics” category, select “Survey Visa Permit”.

Step 2: Click Apply.

Step 3: Enter the Applicant details. Select institution type (and website if applicable) then enter the Institution address.

Step 4: Add the Contact Person Details (Contact category, title, Phone number, email, and the address).

Step 5: Add the Research Details as prompted.

Step 6: Upload the required document in the right format, then click Next.

Step 7: Verify that the information is true; enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click Submit. 

Step 8: An application number (B2...) will be generated to follow up on the application status.


1.  If the applicant spends a month without any updates about the application, they are advised to contact NISR by calling 4321 or emailing
2. After the application has been successfully submitted to and approved by NISR, the applicant receives an SMS or email notifying them that the certificate is available and that they can download it from the IremboGov platform.

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