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How to Apply for a Milk Collection Center License

The service allows milk collection center business operators to register and obtain an operating license from the Rwanda Inspectorate, Competition, and Consumer Protection Authority (RICA). RICA will conduct a field visit to ensure the premises comply with their standards and regulations.

The processing time is 5 days, and the service is free of charge.


  • Applicants with or without an IremboGov account can apply for this service.

  • Applicants should have an MCC Registration. (MCC registration number obtained from RICA).

  • Applicants should have a valid company TIN.

 Required attachments (6)

  • Business Registration Certificate from RDB.

  • Signed contract of a qualified staff in charge of milk testing.

  • List of workers with valid medical health certificates showing they are free from food-borne diseases.

  • List and address of aggregation points operating under the collection center.

  • Register of farmers or milk collectors working with the collection center.

  • A document given by the respective authority shows that water and electricity are sufficient & accessible for the Milk Collection Center.

Conditional attachments (3)

  • A copy of the operational license issued by RICA

  • A copy of the lease agreement if the operator is not the owner

  • Passport copy

Optional attachments

  • Copy of your latest RICA Registration certificate

Follow these simple steps to apply for the Milk Collection Center License:

1. Visit the Irembo platform at and navigate to the "Trade and Industry" category; click on “Business Operator License.

2. Select "Milk Collection Center License" and click  "Apply."

3. Fill in the applicant's details (select if it is a business representative category, age group, and other required personal information).

4. Enter business details (company TIN), registration type, and Milk Collection Center registration number if this is a new or renewed application.

Note: Milk Collection Center registration number obtained from RICA

5. Fill in the milk collection center information (operator details and location).

6. Upload the required attachments in the correct format; click Next.

7. Verify that the information is accurate, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click "Submit."

8. An application number (B2…...) to track your application status.


  • Upon successful submission, the application will be processed by RICA. Applicants will receive an email or SMS notification about any changes in the application status.

  • Once the processing officers receive and approve your application you will receive your e-certificate via email or can download it on IremboGov.

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