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How to apply for Forest planting materials: tree seeds, seedlings, grafted planting stocks, and cuttings.

This service allows individuals or organizations to submit a request and make payment for acquiring planting seeds, including tree seeds, seedlings, grafted planting stocks, and cuttings, to plant their own forests. The Rwanda Forestry Authority (RFA) provides the service.

The processing time is 5 days, and the price depends on the quantity of the seed type.


Before you begin the application process, ensure that you have the following:

- Applicants with or without an IremboGov account can apply for this service.

- A valid Rwandan national ID or passport (for foreigners).

- Company TIN for organizations.

- A valid phone number or email address.

Follow the following steps to apply for Forest planting materials: tree seeds, seedlings, grafted planting stocks, and cuttings.

1. Visit the Irembo website at  Under “Infrastructure and Environment,"  click "Forest planting materials: tree seeds, seedlings, grafted planting stocks, cuttings."

2. Read the service description carefully and click "Apply" to start the application process.

3. Fill in the applicant’s details, such as the applicant's citizenship phone number, role of the company, and company TIN (if you are applying as an organization) 

Note: Once you click on “Add seed details,” a new tab will appear.

Here, you'll need to specify the type of seed, seed name, and quantity.

4. Select the collection center and click Next.

6. Verify that the information is true, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click Submit. 

7. A billing Number/ID (88…) will be generated for payment. Click Pay

8. Applicants choose the mode of payment. For more information about payment modes, click here.

Upon payment, you will receive a notification confirming your payment. You can collect your purchased seeds at the chosen collection office when payment has been made. 

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