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FAQ’s about Certificate of Cohabitation.

The Certificate of cohabitation is issued to foreigners legally married to Rwandan citizens living in Rwanda. This allows a foreigner to apply for a Rwandan Nationality. Also, Rwandan citizens can use the certificate to claim services in their spouse's country of origin (i.e. Visa, children's registration, or apply for nationality).

The following are the most frequently asked questions about the Certificate of Cohabitation: 

How much do I pay for a certificate of cohabitation?

The price is Rwf 1,500. 

Do I need an IremboGov account to apply for a certificate of cohabitation?
Yes, you should have an Irembo account to apply for it or visit the nearest Irembo agent for assistance. 
How do I create an Irembo account?
To create an Irembo account, click here
I am a foreigner with a passport who is married to a Rwandan. Can I apply for a certificate of cohabitation? 

No, you cannot apply for the service; however, your Rwandan spouse can apply on your behalf.

Can a refugee or foreigner with a Rwandan ID apply for a certificate of cohabitation? 
Yes, they are eligible for the service. 
Can I submit the certificate of cohabitation application to any sector? 
It is advisable to submit the application to the sector where your marriage is registered.
What is the validity of the certificate of cohabitation?

The certificate of cohabitation has a lifetime validity until your civil status changes. 

How do I know the authenticity of the certificate of cohabitation generated via IremboGov? 
To find out how to verify the authenticity of the e-certificate, click here.
Can I download another certificate of cohabitation if the one I had is lost/damaged?
Yes, you can download the certificate as many times as possible.

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