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FAQ's about Camping at the Museum

This service is offered to individuals or groups of people who would like to camp in Museum gardens since museums have big spaces, and tourists can spend their nights in those gardens.

The following are the frequently asked questions about camping at the museum;
  1. Is camping at the museum available for everyone?

Yes, camping at the museum gardens is available for individuals, either Rwandans or foreigners, 

interested in the experience.

  1. What are the prerequisites for applying for camping at the museum?

Applicants, whether with or without an account, can apply. Rwandan citizens should have a National ID number, while foreigners need a passport number.

  1. What are the modes of camping available at the museum?

There are two modes of camping available:

  • Tent: The museum provides tents; you can select this option during your application. The cost of the tent will be included in the service fee.

  • Caravan Car: This option allows you to use your personal camping vehicle. You'll need to pay the museum only for the caravan's required space.

  1. How long does the processing take?

The processing time for camping at the museum is one day.

  1. What is the pricing for camping at the museum?

The price for this service varies based on the specific case or circumstances.

  1. Can I apply without an IreboGov account?

Yes, applicants can apply without an IreboGov account. However, having an account, especially for Rwandans with a National ID, is recommended for a smoother process.

  1. Do I need to complete my booking with the museum before applying for camping?

Yes, completing your booking with the museum before using this service is essential. This service is specifically for payments and not for booking camping slots.

  1. What happens after I submit my application?

Upon submission, a billing number/I.D. will be generated for payment. Applicants can proceed to make the payment using the provided services option.

  1. Is there a specific duration for camping at the museum?

No, there's no specific duration for camping at the museum. You can camp for as long as you intend to and have specified in your application.

  1. Should I know any special guidelines or rules for camping at the museum?

Guidelines and rules for camping at the museum gardens, including permitted camping equipment, rules regarding fires, and campground etiquette, can be obtained from the museum.

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