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Frequently Asked Questions About Criminal Record Certificate

This service allows Rwandans and foreigners living in (or who have lived) in Rwanda to apply for a Criminal Record Certificate. The service is provided by the National Public Prosecution Authority (NPPA).

The following are the most frequently asked questions about a Criminal Record  Certificate; 

  1. How much do I pay for a criminal record certificate?

The service costs RWF 1,200.

  1. Do I need an IremboGov account to apply for a criminal record certificate?

Yes, you should have an Irembo account or visit the nearest Irembo agent for assistance.

  1. How do I create an Irembo account?

To create an Irembo account, click here

  1. If I am a foreigner or refugee with a Rwandan national ID, can I apply for a criminal record using my IremboGov account?

Yes, you can use your Rwandan national ID.

  1. Do I need to pick up my criminal record certificate from the NPPA offices? 

No, the criminal record certificate is an E-certificate. You can download it on IremboGov using the application number or billing number. If you enter your email address while applying for the service, the certificate will be sent to that email address.

  1.  I am a Rwandan living abroad without a national ID; how can I apply for my criminal record certificate?

You should contact/visit the Rwandan embassy in their country of residence for assistance.

  1. How can a foreigner with a passport, currently not residing in Rwanda, apply for a criminal record certificate?

He/She should contact/visit the Rwandan embassy in their country of residence for assistance.

  1. What is the processing time for a criminal record certificate?

The processing time is 21 days. 

  1. How do I know the authenticity of the criminal record certificate generated via IremboGov? 

To find out how to verify the authenticity of the e-certificate, click here.

  1. Can I download another criminal record certificate if the one I had is lost/damaged?

Yes, you can download the certificate as many times as possible.

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